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Last update:
February 25, 2023, 22:37

Menu Level 2 - Page 3

In CMSimple5 you can use all headings on a CMSimple page:

Heading h1

This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. 

Heading h2

This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. 

Heading h3

This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. 

Heading h4

This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. 

Heading h5

This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. 

Heading h6

This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text. This is a paragraph with some text.

Infobox News01

This box shows the content of the hidden page "News01".

More information about newsboxes can be found in the documentation on »

Diese Box zeigt den Inhalt der versteckten Seite "News01".

Mehr Informationen zum Thema Newsboxen gibt es in der Dokumentation auf »

Infobox News02

This box shows the content of the hidden page "News02".

The heading of this infobox is an h2 heading, h1, h3 and h4 heading looks the same. The other headings in an infobox (newsbox):

Heading h5
Heading h6

Infobox News03

This box shows the content of the hidden page "News03".

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